Social Assessment:
According to the EMCRP Environmental and Social Management Framework Work and International Association for Social Assessment, “Social assessment includes the processes of analyzing, monitoring and managing the intended and unintended social consequences, both positive and negative, of planned interventions (policies, programs, plans, projects) and any social change processes invoked by those interventions. Its primary purpose is to bring about a more sustainable and equitable biophysical and human environment.”
The Emergency Multi-sector Rohingya Crisis Response Project has developed a comprehensive social impact assessment screening mechanism and a mitigation plan to address any intended and unintended social consequences. Extensive surveys were conducted in the catchment area of the EMCRP project to identify possible social issues may arise due to the implementation of this project. With careful evaluation of these issues a social impact mitigation plan was developed. This plan was reviewed and approved by the implementation and donor agencies.
Specific target including gender specific consultation through Focus Group Discussions (FGD) were set in the results framework of the project by the donor agencies to ensure the social issues are identified, assessed and mitigated – ensuring the highest possible outcome for the society.
Environmental Assessment:
The purpose of the Environmental Assessment is to ensure that the project is developed in an environmentally sound and sustainable manner ensuring all possible negative impacts are mitigated (as much as practicable) and positive impacts are enhanced. Environmental Assessment for EMCRP is conducted to fulfill the requirements of Government of Bangladesh (GoB) and World Bank (WB) as well as to obtain the Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC) from the DoE (Department of Environment) according to the Environmental Conservation Rules 1997.
Environmental Assessment reports has been prepared for each selected sub-projects (shelters) separately to consider the environmental aspects as per environmental requirements/ guidelines of the World Bank and Government of Bangladesh for all component of the physical construction works, such as
- Improvement of Existing Shelter,
- Construction of new Shelters, and
- Improvement of Access Roads
Environmental issues will be identified and mitigated by applying appropriate mitigation measures as per Environmental and Social Management Framework during design phase by modifying the structures to make it truly environment friendly. For EMCRP fortnightly (or as needed) discussions are taking place with the school management committee, contractor, design and supervision consultants, implementation agency (LGED) and lastly but not least the community in the catchment area ensuring environmentally sound practices are in place.